Travel tips and tricks, Ayurvedic edition.

Starting to travel again? HECK YEAH YOU ARE. 

We LOVE a good trip and are usually on the move, but it can disturb Prana to be in motion for a long time.

Apana Vayu , the wind element of DOWN and OUT (grounding), can be thrown out of balance when we are UP, LIGHT, DRY, and MOBILE during travel.

And ain’t nobody got time to show up bloated, constipated, dried out, and dizzy. No ma’am. So what can you do?

Travel Support for your Bodacious Bod:

✈️ Drink warm water or herbal tea while in the air or motion: avoid coffee and eating while in flight when possible 

🚂 Ear plugs and layers of clothing: the ears are a sensitive “entry point” for Vata, so having on a hat/ hood/ plugs to make a cocoon can help 

🚙 Apana Vayu Mudra: keep it grounded with THUMB AND MIDDLE/ RING FINGERS PRESSED TOGETHER, pinky extended, pointer curled in at the knuckle 

🛥 Abhyanga Self Massage upon arrival: A good oil up will rehydrate the system after travel. Try sesame oil mixed with an essential oil of your choice! (lavender, lemongrass, sandalwood, and sweet orange are great for disturbed Vata) 

Save this for your next vacation. Bon voyage! ✌🏼 


The healing routine.


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