when pain and passion find purpose


the sparks notes…


In 2016, I found myself at a mental and spiritual crossroads. My little brother lost his fight with addiction and for the second time in six years, my family faced traumatic loss.

The silver lining of soul-fracturing experiences is that these cracks let the light in. My asana practice went from its familiar physical focus to something much deeper and more profound.

Suddenly, I understood what my teachers had been talking about all of those years and dove deep into the eight limbs of yoga through teacher trainings.

After becoming the support system, I had gotten really good at giving from an empty cup- and I thought I was the only one that noticed. One day, a teacher asked me a question that caused a shift.

If this is you on empty, imagine what you could do for others if your cup was FULL first?

What happens on the mat is just a reflection of the bigger picture. Yoga practice is life practice and healing is done in community, so I leaned in.

I thank my brother every day for opening the gateway and now I can share how to go through it with others. As I transitioned from a career Montessori teacher to yoga instructor and studio owner, I began to pour my lessons learned out to support my community.

Yoga saved my spirit.

The overflow turned into wellness retreats, yoga teacher trainings, specialty population support, and going to Ayurveda school.


Receiving my certification as an Ayurveda Health Counselor connected dots and married the Western ways with the Eastern wisdom.

Because it’s all connected, it was around the same time that my physical body started to break down.

If I had ignored the whispers, they were now SCREAMS in the form of ailments and symptoms that stumped my allopathic doctors. I suffered a “mystery” pulmonary embolism. Severe cystic acne and weight loss hit hard and fast, and no one could tell me why.

I didn't recognize myself. I had disconnected from my body, desperately seeking answers from the outside.

It was through the application of the Indian self-healing practice called Ayurveda that I found my way back, feeling better than I ever had.

And it was so much more simple than we're led to believe it can be.

So after spending half of my life learning and teaching biological processes, I went back to a different kind of medicinal school. I unlearned and rewired.

During my lectures and case studies, I realized why I had chosen to study biochemistry in Blacksburg fifteen years ago. It all led to this.

I offer One Time Ayurvedic Consultations and 1:1 Journeys, Ayurveda for YTT, moon cycle workshops, and seasonal cleanses.

I will always hold space for you- for your strengths and your struggles alike.

Thank you for being part of my journey and for allowing me to be part of yours.

My journey has taken me into the dark and Yoga and Ayurveda led me back.

As I learned my way out, I mapped it all so I could share with you.

The layers of debris we’ve already healed become the exact themes that others can transform around you.

Wow, you’ve made it really far. Since you’re here…

The Evolution of Luuma

By establishing a strong foundation, surrounding with supportive community, going inward for guidance, 

we return to our roots and come home to our own true nature. 

It was right after the decision to close the brick and mortar studio (March 2020) and move on from One Wellness that I founded Luuma, or rather Luuma found me. 

I knew the next iteration of services and name was going to be a tribute to returning home, grounding, and the ultimate mama of all- Mother Nature herself.

I made a list with a litany of nature names: terra, terre, jord, erde. They didn’t feel right, nothing stuck. 

I found myself in Isla Holbox, Mexico, where I asked for a sign. Almost immediately and quite literally a huge neon L U U M A landed in front of me and my intuition said Y E S.

It was here I learned that Luuma is synonymous with Mother Earth in Mayan and looked up the origin. 

Derived from Proto-Finnic, it means to create, to establish, set off, get going. 

To found from the ground. 💥