The healing routine.

Don’t underestimate the baby steps that add up to great strides.

It took a while for your dis-ease to manifest, so throwing a pill at it and expecting an immediate 180 is perhaps unrealistic. You can expedite the process with Dinacharya, your daily routine.

As the cornerstone of an Ayurvedic practice, it lays the foundation for your bodily systems to operate most ideally. It takes somewhere between 35- 45 days for the nutrients brought into the body to trickle down into the deepest tissues and channels, so giving your routine time to sink in is detrimental to getting results.

The state of your physical tissues determines the felt sense of your reality and these are suggested practices that have been tried and tested over the past three thousand years or so.

If you Google Dinacharya, don’t get overwhelmed by the number of options that come up- start with one or two and then add on as the habits become routine.

Here are a few places to start: 

1. Eat SOUL food: As much as possible, choose seasonal, organic, unprocessed, and local food.

Food is the first medicine! You are what you ingest as these nutrients become your lymph and plasma in 4-7 days, red blood cells in 10-14 days, then to muscle, and on down the line. You have the power to eat your way to a whole new, healthier you in just a month and a half! (There is a way to eat specifically your body type and imbalances, but that’s a musing for another day, call me and let’s chat).  

2. Tongue scraping: Adios, ama!

This simple way to remove impurities from your body and help balance your microbiome can be done in less than a minute. When you sleep, toxins collect on your tongue and in the morning, you may notice their new home as a coating on your tongue. 

3. Neti: translates to nasal cleansing and is done easily with a saline wash.

The infamous Neti pot is a great way to rinse the sinuses and rid your nasal openings of all of the chemicals and fumes we breathe in daily. It is also said to open the channel to your third eye. 

4. No more icy drinks: I know, this was a hard one.

But would you take a hose to a bonfire if you were still using its heat? You need your digestive juices burning to break down your food, so don’t douse it! In fact, you only need about 1/2 cup of water during your mealtime. 

5. Go to bed by 10 pm: Do you hit a second wind at night that keeps you from falling asleep? 

Avoid it by being in bed by 10:00. This is also your liver’s natural time to repair itself and cleanse your blood so help it out by settling in before it goes to work for you. 

There is a way to transform your body to a healthier version of you with daily increments, a place where Eastern philosophy marries our Western culture.

Avoid the temptation to simply weed the garden. Till the soil, plant intentional seeds, feed them with the right nutrients, and it will be hard for those weeds to sustain.

If you want to know what the ideal Ayurvedic routine is for you, book a discovery call with me and let’s tend to your roots.

An ounce of prevention really is worth a pound of cure.


Just for you.


Travel tips and tricks, Ayurvedic edition.