Adios, PMS.

Hot take: your PMS is probably your bad. 

Your symptoms are SCREAMING at you that you’re relying on your estrogen to do all the jobs that it’s not actually responsible for.

You’re imbalanced the rest of the month too, and it’s showing up week three when your estrogen is low and your progesterone is spiking. 

This is what happens in menopause, too.

YEARS of relying on estrogen every which way and then when it dries up? Symptoms hit hard. 

Estrogen’s job is for baby making! But we have E receptors all over the body and we get in lifestyle habits that rely on the hormone to step in and do the actual job of your liver, your thyroid, and your endocrine system when they’re overwhelmed by what’s thrown at them.


You can nourish for each step of your cycle specifically so that when it comes, the signs become minimal to non-existent. 


Each week of your cycle has a protocol it would like you to know about. We’ll highlight each one weekly as we go through the month 🌙 


What’s Happening Weekly: 🩸 One.


The sweet stuff.