You are a gosh darn MIRACLE.

It’s so easy to get caught in your own wheel spokes, spinning so fast on a self created life loop. 

It’s so easy to keep up the pattern even when it’s not serving you, because it’s the path you know best. 

Walked so many times, the track trodden down, a self imposed bubble. 

Now it’s time to stop. FULL STOP. 

back. up. 

Back out until you have an aerial view of your natural state. Remember. 

You are not your work or your to-do list. 

You are not the expectations or the projections. 

You are the very nature that surrounds you. 

You are Mother Nature in a human form.

Breathe and remember why you came. 🌏 

Welcome back, you stardust elemental force. Ya gosh darn miracle, you.


Marshmallow Root: Mother Nature’s Pepto-Bismol.


What if we saw food as medicine?