Kitchari Time!

It’s Fall, ya’ll…time to find balance starting with your belly with that twice-a-year Ayurvedic cleanse called KITCHARI.

Cravings, food fatigue, belly bloat be GONE! A balanced digestive fire is more than digestion- assimilation and elimination are keys to your health.

The purpose of a mono-diet (Kitchari) is to give the body only one easy thing to digest. To give it a well deserved TIME OUT. Your system then focuses energy into moving toxins (ama) out of the tissues and into the toilet…where they belong!

Why Kitchari? Kitarchi is a combo of split mung beans, basmati, and special herbs and spices. It has all six tastes for balancing doshas and the perfect nutrition to optimize digestion.

(In Ayurveda, we also consider anything else you have to digest and absorb from your environment part of your diet.)

How do you know it’s time for a cleanse?👇

• You’re sleepy during the day, but have trouble sleeping at night.

• You’re bloated after eating and elimination ain’t what it used to be.

• You’ve got crazy cravings, bad breath, and body odor.

• You’ve got mental fog and fatigue.

• You’re feel overwhelmed and overstimulated by a constant stream of external information.

Click here if you’d like support with recipes or cleanse protocol.


Ghee Glow 🍯


Have an (Ayurveda) Hot Girl Summer.