Divine Intuition.


I grew up with an Italian stepfamily and we have a saint for everything. Heartache? Saint Valentine. Strep throat? Call on Lucy. Got an athletic event? Saint Sebastian. One that I still call on to this day when I lose anything is St. Anthony. Dear St. Anthony look around, something’s lost that can’t be found. Thank you, Tony.

And this is what happened last Tuesday.

I had a challenging day at school, a tough tutor session, my boyfriend had been in bed for two days too sick to move. I stopped at the grocery to grab Get Well essentials on the way home, and the sped home with my mind on the past few hours and the next thing on the list- which happened to be the bank.

As I pulled up to the ATM, I realize that my wallet is not in my bag. Heat rose into my throat I had to have it at the store, I just bought things. I check under and around me four times before I pull over and search. I drove home and did a frantic scan inside and outside- nada.

I drove back to the grocery store and called their customer service on the way. The employees and a kind stranger searched the carts, the self-checkout lane, the sidewalk outside. They took my number. Small Me starts judging me.

What the hell, Parham. Like you didn’t have enough going on. Pay attention.

Back home again, I put my head in my hands and cried. The emotions and day hit me hard and I let it happen. Instead of continuing to spin, I sank, the tears flowed and I felt a release. I said a little word or two to Tony and found myself clear of the static from my anxiety. I took deep breaths and an inner voice told me the wallet was in the grocery store lot.

In my mind’s eye, I saw it black on black lying on asphalt. I had “seen” it despite the fact that I had just been there (twice) and had not indeed seen it. But, I was going to listen to my vision instead of my hot head.

I pulled in to the area where I had parked the first go round and my heart sank because I don’t see it. Then, to my left I hear and then see an orange tabby cat and she’s looking right at me. She’s meowing and sitting on my wallet. Laughter came before I realized I’m giggling.

A woman parked near me says, “oh that must be your cat!” I tell her I don’t own the cat, but she’s sitting on my lost wallet.

“Wow, you’re lucky she showed you where it is”.

As soon as I cleared the emotions that were blocking my vision- the Universe, St. Tony, my intuition, something- the light shone right through and showed me the way, with the help of a feline friend.

Being a human with feelings means they can get stuck in the way of the guidance system. When I wasn’t wrapped up in a panic or judging myself, I heard the divine intuition intervention.

Allow yourself to feel, and then embrace the release. No need to cling, it’s the attachment that causes the pain. We muddy the water to make it look deep. When the sediment settles, the path is shown clearer than ever.

It took a lot to create you, trust that the Universe has your back.


Accidental Ayurveda.